Hibernate 5 Code generation


the code which will be currently generated from ERM only supports Hibernate 4.2. This is a quit old version of Hibernate and many features of newer versions aren’t supported. For example, we use a casandra database in our environment which, for hibernate, was introduced in version 5.
At the moment it is impossible to use the generated code from Visual Paradigm and at the same time use the code to handle our cassandra database due to different hibernate versions.

Are there any plans to support Hibernate 5 code generation in the near future?

Thank you and best regards,


Thank you for your suggestion, we’ll consider to upgrade in the future.

Hi Stefan,

I would like to let you know we just released version 15.0 today. In this version we upgraded our supported hibernate to version 5. If you already having our license with maintenance, or under the subscription period you can then run Visual Paradigm Update to upgrade your software to latest version 15.0. Or if you unsure do your license entitle for upgrade you can send your license key to sales@visual-paradigm.com and let our team help you out. Feel free to contact me for any help and wish you have a good day!

Best regards,
Rain Wong