Reverse-engineer java code?


I have recently installed the SDE plugin for Eclipse. However, I cannot find out how to reverse-engineer my java code into a class diagram.

Could you please help me sort this out…


Hi Pesho,

Thanks for your post. With SDE for Eclipse (SDE-EC), you need to have an existing project inside Eclipse, then right-click on the project and select Open SDE-EC in the popup menu.

After you start SDE-EC, you will be able to run reverse engineering for Java by Instant Reverse or Java round-trip engineering.
Instant Reverse is an one-off engineering that will overwrite all duplicated models every time you run it, while round-trip engineering will update changes in code to models. And round-trip engineering gives better tracing between code and models.
Please be reminded that Instant Revers is supported in Standard Edition or above and round-trip engineering is supported in Professional Edition or above.

More details about Instant Reverse and round-trip engineering from the following links:

If there is any further inquiry, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Thanks, Lilian :slight_smile:

now I see, the problem was that I was trying to find this functionality within the community edition.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hi Pesho,

That’s great that you figure out the problem! If there is any inquiry again please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong