Association End From Role for non-Navigatable association

There isn’t “Association End From” Role if Navigatable=false. It’s true?

Hi Eugeny,

Thanks for your inquiry. Do you actually asking:
"I should not enter role on association end if it’s not navigable - is it true?“
"When an association end is not navigable, VP should not allow role entry for association end.”

Would you mind to clarify? Thanks!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

“I should not enter role on association end if it’s not navigable - is it true?” - the 1st variant

Hi Eugeny,

Your understanding is correct (i.e. you need not enter role on association end when it’s not navigable).

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


Hi Eugeny,

It’s my pleasure.

Best regards,
Lilian Wonh