BPMN Diagram bad display


We have a very big BPMN Diagram with a lot of lanes and pools. We have had mor Task and all the other tasks are no more tied to the lines. We had to clik on a line to have it re-connect to its tasks. As we have a lot of Tasks and more lines, it will be difficult to do it for every line.

Is there a workaround to have a good display.

(if my memory was good on older version there was a refresh diagram command, but i cannot find in on Agilian 1.4).

Thanks a lot


Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for your post. When you right-click on the diagram, you can select Layout > Route Connectors in the popup menu for connector layout. Is this what you are looking for?

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Not at all,

I don’t want my display to be reorganized, i just want to have the tasks linked again to the lines.

I can send you an example of what had happen if you want.



Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for replying. Could you please attach the project file here or send to lilian@visual-paradigm.com so that I can check? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

I just send you the email.



Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for sending me the image. First of all, I would like to clarify that “Layout > Route Connectors” on connector’s popup menu will only affect connectors and models will not be influenced. You can have a try first and see if your connectors will be routed to attach the models again (if not what you want, simply Undo it will be fine).

If the connector layout does not work, could you please try Help > Maintenance > Repair Project and see if this helps?
*Please backup your project file first.

If these 2 ways cannot resolve your problem, would you mind sending your project file to lilian@visual-paradigm.com for investigation? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

thanks !

we will try it as soon as possible.


Hi Arnaud,

You are welcome. If there is any question, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


it was’nt the lines which were misplaced but the Tasks and Gateways. If this can help you.

Best regards,


Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for replying. Could you please send your project file (.vpp) to lilian@visual-paradigm.com for investigation? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong