
I am trying out the software and after using instant reverse and using the "form diagram -> Custom " feature, some of my classes are link to classes named c__DisplayClassXX where XX is a number. There are not present in the model but are showing up in the diagram.

I would like to know what are those classes and how to can I stop the software from generating them?

Thank you.

Dear edison,

Thank you for your post. May I have your .vpp project file checking? If you can’t post here, you can send me an Email:

Best regards,

Hi Jick,

I actually found out what they are and I was mistaken, they are in the model.

They are private classes built by .net to implement anonymous methods.


So your software is doing the expected thing and importing all the classes, but it would still be nice if there was some way to filter those classes out when importing from .Net assemblies.

Thank you.

Hi edison,

I think that you can select the models to appear when forming diagram after performing instance reverse. If you form diagram from existing models, you can press to select them, and form diagram through accessing the popup menu.

Best regards,