Copying classes (and other objects)

Is it possible to copy one or more classes between projects im VP for UML.
I can only import an entire project wich is kind of a bother.
I would like to simply select one or more classes in one project to copy and paste them in another project.


Yes, you can. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the classes from diagram
  2. Copy (Ctrl-C)
  3. Open the target project in the same instance of VP-UML
  4. Open a diagram for pasting the copied classes
  5. Paste (Ctrl-V)

Notice that you must copy and paste within the same instance of VP-UML, else nothing will be pasted.

Best Regards,


I understand the above may not be an ideal solution to solve your problem. As I know we will improve the import project feature to allow selecting models or diagrams to be imported.

Best Regards,

This works indeed,

but it is counterintuitive as i first have to close the project formwich i copy the classes, then open the project into wich i want to paste the objects.
But for now it solves my retyping problem. Would be nice to be able to copy between instances of VP UML though…


The classes get copied allright. But they do not apear in the class repository and as such don’t gen syncronised to the erd diagram and i can’t generate (java)classes form them (no primary key found).

it is even worse then that

i removed the classes but somewhere they still exist…
i cant finde them in any diagram or repository but when i try to generate code i keep getting an error “No primary key found fot storeroom”…
this is after deleting the class from the project!!


I am sorry. This should be a bug. I will ask our engineers to fix it as soon as possible. I will let you know once it is fixed.

Bet Regards,

Hi Antony,

Sorry for my late reply. I would like to notify you that the problem of unable to copy and paste classes across projects is fixed. You may now perform an update to advance to the fixed release. To update, please run the updater under the $vp-suite-install-dir/bin

If there are any questions about the fix, please feel free to let me know.

Best Regards,