Diagram info component fields


I search the $ fieldname for the diagram info component:

Diagram project status
Diagram project version
Diagram project author
Diagram project create date
Diagram project modified date

Hello Ckuettner,

Please find the field variable for diagram info shape below. Feel free to contact me if you need any help.

Status: ${pmStatus}
Difficulty: ${pmDifficulty}
Discipline: ${pmDiscipline}
Priority: ${pmPriority}
Version: ${pmVersion}
Iteration: ${pmIteration}
Phase: ${pmPhase}
Author: ${pmAuthor}
CreateDateTime: ${pmCreateDateTime}
LastModified: ${pmLastModified}

Best regards,

last modified by ?

I’m sorry that “last modified by” is not a property in diagram and therefore cannot be output using Diagram Info Shape. I’m sorry about our limitation on this.

Rain, do not apologise. Just let us know whether we can expect this feature or not.