Generate SQL ... not support sequence for PostgreSQL

Dear DBVA team,
it is possible that DB Visual Architect not support sequence for PostgreSQL in SQL generator? When i trying to generate DDL file for my ERD (that contains tables and sequences) DBVA display message something like “sequence are not available for selected database”.

My enviroment:
DBVA 5.2
Postgres 8.2
Windows Vista Busines

Thank you for your message. We are sorry that currently generate DDL for sequence model is only supported by Oracle and DB2. We will support Postgre very soon and I’ll let you know once it was supported. Feel free to contact me if you need any help.

Best regards,

I would like to let you know generate sequence for postgre is supported and please run the VP Suite Update to update the software to latest patch (sp2_20100512r or later). Details about update to latest patch can be found at

Best regards,