Help file does not work after installing

Hi, I downloaded the help file from this site to install on my Vpsuite3.1. After following the instructions, nothing seems to work when I clicked on help.

Please advice

Hello ericwi,

This problem should be fixed and please try again and see is it working. Thanks!

Best regards,
Rain Wong

Hi, I have downloaded twice but still it does not work. Please advice

Hi ericwi,

What happens when you attempting to launch the Help system? Any warning?

Please send us your vp.log file to take a look. You can locate it at %VPSUITE-INSTALL-DIR%/bin/vp.log

By the way, VP Suite 3.2 has been released. Would you try it? As I remember there are some changes related to the Help system which is likely to solve your problem. At least, we tested and confirmed that it’s working fine.

Best regards,