How can i print detail information of function?

I am a newer.

I want to print detail information of function’s parameter, but the following code print nothing.
How Can I do it?

please help me!

<ValueConditionChecker property="DefaultValue" operator="not equals" value="">
  <StaticText content=" = " style="Default"/>
  <StringPropertyText propertyText = "DefaultValue" style="Table Contents"/>


<DefaultConditionChecker property="Const" flag="true">
  <StaticText content=" const " style="Table Contents"/>

:slight_smile: I have printed defalut value of parameter using the following code.

  <ValueConditionChecker property="defaultValue" operator="not equals" value="">
    <StaticText content=" = " style="Default"/>
    <StringPropertyText propertyText = "defaultValue" style="Table Contents"/>

another question is how can i print some fields, e.g. virtual, const and etc, in a Report composer templates?