How to change a diagram to be a sub-diagram

I created some diagrams. Later I found it better to put these diagrmas under a package. What’s the easy way to do this?

I need to know the same thing. I created a new project and high-level use case diagram. Then I merged all the other projects into this new project. This way, when I reference a sub-diagram, I can specify one of the diagrams that were added in the merge.

The problem is that my classes are all duplicated. Is there a way to consolidate all of my similarly named classes?

I’d like to know the answer by the end of this week (Sept 17th, 2004).


Dear Guoheng and Ellen,

This feature is available in VP-UML from version 3.2.



Hi Antony,

fine that version 3.2 supports this feature, but I still can not figure out how to do it:

  1. Merging projects yields duplicate classes. How do I merge classes with the same name?
    If there is no way of doing this there is a lot of manual work left to do after a merge, as the (e.g.) sequence diagrams that are linked to a duplicate class have be re-linked to the original class and all messages have to be edited again to refer to the respective operation calls.

  2. How can I reference a sequence diagram within another sequence diagram? I am looking for something like a comment link that takes me to the referred diagram when I click on it.


G. Heinrich

Dear Georg,

To add existing diagrams as sub-diagrams, simply right-click on a shape (that supports sub-diagrams) and select Add Existing Diagrams… from the popup menu.

It seems that the merge project problem is a bug, we will investigate this problem and fix it.

Such link cannot be established in VP-UML, currently you can use sub-diagrams as a workaround. Thanks for you suggestion on this feature.

