How to model an OR and an AND relationship

Dear all,

How do I draw an OR as well as an AND relationship in UML in a class diagram? Is it best if I model it as an aggregation respectively composite of a class? or, how about if it the AND respectively OR classes were inherited classes of a subclass?

Thank you very much.
best regards,

Hi George,

Thanks for your post. You can draw a class with aggregations with two classes and draw a constraint between them. Detail steps can be referred in the flash movie at the following link. If there are any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Lilian

wow, this is absolutely great. Thank you very much. So, I can use it this way for both inheritance and composition in this way.

I have seen a couple of your great movies also from other posts. Do you have repository/index page to go through your great recommendations?

Have a great day,
best regards,

Thanks for your post. You can draw a class with aggregations with two classes and draw a constraint between them.

Hi George,

Thanks for replying. You can refer to the flash demos, which show you how to model with the features in our tool, in our website ( I believe that you can get more ideas with these flash movies.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong