Instant generator adding random numbers to class attributes


I am using VP 6.4.

I have run across the following problem. When generating Java code for my class diagram, VP adds random numbers to some of the class attributes.

For example:

   |-------- Borrow (Association Class)

User -> Book is navigable, Book x User isn’t.

Now, unless we name the association edge “borrows”, VP will incorrectly generate ArrayList 12 (or other random number) in the User class. Likewise in Borrow class will be generated User user34 (or some other number) instead of User user.

Can someone help?

Many thanks!

Hi user,

Thanks for your post. Would you mind to attach a sample project for us to repeat your problem? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Thanks Lilian,

Please see the attached project. If you go to Tools → Instant Generator → Java and generate code preview, Borrow will contain …private User user29; … where the number 29 changes upon each generation.

Hi user,

Thanks for the project file. I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up, and I’ll come back to you once there is any feedback.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi user,

I would like to notify you that we fixed the problem on generate random numbers on code in VP Suite 4.0 (VP-UML 7.0). The patch is available in the following link:

Please be reminded that license key for VP-UML 6.4 cannot work for VP-UML 7.0. If you need any help, please feel free to ask.

BTW, If you are not sure whether you own license of VP-UML 7.0/entitled product upgrade to VP-UML 7.0, please contact our support team at:

Best regards,
Lilian Wong