License error from DB Visual Architect Eclipse plug-in


I’m trying to evaluate the DB Visual Architect Eclipse plug-in and have not succeeded. When I invoke any Eclipse menu item related to DBVA, it returns this error in a dialog box…

Failed to start VP-UML PE.
This may be caused by invalid license key if you have tried to
import the license key.

I downloaded “DBVA 2.0 for Eclipse/IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer”. I received a license file via mail. The VP Suite installer ( installed the software and license file with no warnings or errors. During installation, I selected “DBVA for Eclipse/IBM WebSphere Studio (DBVA-EC)” under the “DB Visual Architect 2.0” heading.

I’ve read the documentation and searched this forum. The following thread sounds like the same issue, but the suggested fix of running Product Edition Manager does not solve the problem…

Do I need to install components other than DBVA-EC? I recognize that “PE” probably refers to the professional edition of the suite, but I don’t understand what to change or where to change it.

Here’s my environment…

OS: Gentoo Linux v2.6.12
Java: Sun JVM v1.5.0_04-b05
Eclipse: v3.1.0
EMF: v2.1.0
JEM: v1.1.0
GEF: v3.1.0
UML2: v1.1.0
WTP: v0.7.0


  • Spencer

Dear me20050727,

Thank you for your message. Could you mind send me the vp.log file for investigation? You can find the vp.log file inside the eclipse installation directory. If you don’t want to disclose your log file in this forum, you can send it to me through private message or send to Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

My vp.log is attached.

I performed fresh Eclipse and VP Suite installations today to eliminate any corruption. The plug-in works in this installation. On my main Eclipse installation, core Eclipse is in one directory and all add-on packages, including DBVA-EC, are in a different directory. (I find this structure simplifies upgrades.) On the fresh installation, I installed DBVA-EC in the core Eclipse directory.

Will DBVA-EC only run if installed with Eclipse’s core?


Dear Spencer,

Thanks for replying. I’m sorry that the DBVA-EC must install with the Eclipse’s core. To make it work on your main eclipse, you have to copy those installed files from your plug-ins directory into the eclipse core.

Best regards,

Understood, thanks.

  • Spencer