Modified stereotypes are not saved with the project file

When I save a project that has modified and new stereotypes, those modifications are not saved in the project file. If I try to load the project file on a different computer, the labels of the stereotypes are present, but the definition of the stereotype is missing.

How can modified/new stereotypes be shared between collaborators?

Thank you,

Hello Duster,

The stereotype definitions are saved in workspace scope. In order to make it available in another workspace (in another computer), please follow the steps below:

  1. From the computer that contains the stereotype definitions, start the application

  2. Select Tools > Configure Stereotypes from the main menu

  3. From the Configure Stereotypes dialog box, click Export…

  4. This export an XML file. Copy the XML file to another computer that will open the project file.

  5. Start the application

  6. Select Tools > Configure Stereotypes from the main menu.

  7. From the Configure Stereotypes dialog box, click Import…

  8. Import the XML file

This should copy the stereotypes definition to the different computer.

Hope the information has helped. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions.

Best regards,