MS SQL Reverse Eng Failed

I tried to reverse enginneer a MsSQL (2000 and 2005, I tried both) database w/more than 400 tables using Db Visual Architect but in wizard’s last screen I click button Finish but nothing happens. With a smaller database works fine.

There are another problem: DB Visual Architect does not seem to support self-relationship. It generates a member variable with same of container class, what is invalid.

Better explaining:

Both errors happens when I used “Tools -> ORM -> Wizards”, (DB Architect 4.0)

Hello user,

Sorry about the problem. Could you send me the log file? You could locate it under the bin folder of VP Suite installation folder.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,

Here it goes…

(if you need any other information, feel free to contact me -


Hello Fabian,

Thank you for the log file. I have forwarded your case to our engineers to follow up. I will post here when there is any progress.

Best regards,

Hello Fabian,

About the first problem, could you try reverse without wizard (Tools > ORM > Reverse Database), and let us know if the problem still exists?

About the second problem, there should be a problematic relationship after sync to class diagram. Could you send me your project file saved after reversing from database? If you will send me your project, please do not post it here directly. Instead, please send to my email address:

If you want you may send it by submitting a ticket at:

Best regards,