Multiplicity on operation return ignored in both diagram and code genned by Java Round-trip

Within a class diagram I set the multiplicity of an operation result to 1…* by entering 1 in the “Lower” and * in the “Upper” fields within the Operation Specification dialogue.

What is it that I am doing wrong? Any help appreciated.

Reference: Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure, Version 2.0, formal/05-07-04, Object Management Group, 2005

7.3[i].36 Operation (from Kernel, Interfaces)
An operation is a behavioral feature of a classifier that specifies the name, type, parameters, and constraints for invoking
an associated behavior.

An operation is a behavioral feature of a classifier that specifies the name, type, parameters, and constraints for invoking
an associated behavior.

unchanged (isQuery=true) or whether side effects may occur (isQuery=false). The default
value is false.

Hi Rsaddey,

Thanks for your post.

The multiplicity of the operation result is not depicted within the class diagram.
In the UML Specification ( ), it does not mention that Lower and Upper of operation should be shown. Is it possible for you to provide any sample / reference that mentions about showing Lower & Upper? Thanks in advance!

The code generated by the Java Round-trip function appears to completely ignore the multiplicity of the operation result and to always assume 1…1
I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up. If there is any news on this issue, I’ll come back to you immediately.

If there is any further inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


I have the same issue, is there any progress on this topic?



Same issue too.
I 'use the xmi export and lower and upper for the operation are not provided

<ownedOperation isAbstract="true" isLeaf="false" isQuery="false" name="getItems" ownerScope="instance" visibility="public" xmi:id="gSISo3SD.AACASFe" xmi:type="uml:Operation">
		<ownedParameter direction="return" isOrdered="true" isUnique="true" type="T*_id" xmi:id="gSISo3SD.AACASFe_return" xmi:type="uml:Parameter"/>
		<xmi:Extension extender="Visual Paradigm for UML">
			<returnTypeDocumentation xmi:value=""/>

Does any improvement is planed ?