New Language In Instant Generator

I would like to define an instant generator (and an instant reverse) for a new language that I am using. I can write a plugin, but a normal plugin won’t integrate into the Instant framework the way that other languages do. Is there any way to write a generator / reverse plugin for VP UML? I am able to work with Velocity and Java.

I am currently running Version 7.0, sp1_20090912, Professional Edition.

I would also like to contribute a new language but cannot figure out how to add a new language template. Any suggestions, ideas, advice would be very helpful for us paying customers.


Jade Cady
Kaiser Permanente

Agreed! I’d also like it if VP-UML users could enhance the code generation and reverse-engineering functionality.

I mostly use reverse-engineering for Python code. Visual Paradigm has addressed several of my suggestions so far :slight_smile: , but there still are some issues. It would be great if I could improve the Python support myself.
