Quering a self tot self association

Hy i have an organisation wich has an association to itself (parent child relationship)

Now im trying to query those organisations wich have no parent.

thus i’m trying to do the following:
clients = Clients.listClientsByQuery(“Clients.ParentOrganisation is null”,“Clients.Name”);

the resulting array is empty while i have records in the table with a parentoriganisation set to null;

What am i doing wrong?

Hi user,

If possible, could you please send me your project for checking? If you mind posting here, you can send to my personal email address:

Best Regards,

I allready found the problem.
I had to use ORM_ParentOrganisation instead of ParentOrganisation.

You might want to put this in your documentation as it isn’t mentioned anywhere that i could find it.

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your reply. I just passed your case to our development team for further studies. Thank you for posting the solution here.

Best Regards,