Question on using the issue section


I am currently evaluating the a3 platform. I am mainly impressed by the integration of activities and issues into the built in calendar. That’s why I give it a try. However, I found some problem during issue creation.

  1. Product, Component and version has no relationship with each others. I can’t create Product A with version 1.0, 2.0 and Product B with version 2.5, 3.0 etc…

  2. I don’t quite understand how to use the issue status and resolution. When I try to mark it as fixed, the issue is closed automatically. In other similar issue tracking software, marking as resolved will notify the Tester to perform testing to verify before close. Now I don’t know how to do that.

  3. The centralized searching give us a powerful way to search across multiple entity. However it also limit how we search specific entities. Eg, I don’t know how to search all issues assigned to certain people. How to search all issue with a specific resolution status.

  4. The follow up allow me to add a reference to another new issue. But I don’t know how to link up multiple existing issues.

About point 2,

It should be due to the “Verify By” is none, or set to yourself.

If the “Verify By” have set the to other project member, he will be notified after you make the issue is fixed.