Refactoring support

Does the SDE for Netbeans support moving and renaming classes? I have had trouble with other tools that cannot recognize when a class has changed packages or been renamed.

Thank you,

Dear David,

SDE for NetBeans support updating code and model in both ways (including renaming the class and package, moving the class in and out of the package). No matter how you modify it, they will remain in sync.

Best regards,

This worked fine on a small project of around three classes, however when I tried to use it on a project with around 200 classes, it locked up Netbeans. I am using Netbeans 4.1 final on Windows 2000 with JDK 1.4.2_05. The java.exe process consumed 99% of the CPU time and memory shot way up.

The project is stored in Subversion and the .svn folders were also imported into the navigator which is a problem, how do you tell it to ignore those folders and files?

These issues will prevent me from finishing my evaluation since I have had to remove the integration to be able and work. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Dear David,

Thank you for your reply. The performance issue is already on our high priority list and we sure we will enhance it. The .svn problem is caused by we are reading the model given by NetBeans and we have no way to fix it. Therefore the only way to solve this problem is to bypass it inside NetBeans. Hope this can help.

Best regards,