Report Engine - Header and Footer deasapear from template


I generate a report from a .odt template with a header and a footer (different from many sections - first page and the others). When i drag’n drop my UML element, i can see my headers and footers filled corrrectly with the values coming from the tempalte dialog box.

When i save my report, and reopen it, the header from page 2 to more has desepeared and the footer is modified with the first page one.

It looks like only the header and footer from the first page was stored. But when i define it manually with the Basic Template it works fine.

What we must do in the template to have 2 or more version of headers and footer.

thank in advance.


Hi Arnaud,

Sorry for my late response. I’ve forwarded the details to our engineers to follow-up. If there is any feedback, I’ll come back to you immediately.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Arnaud,

Would you mind sending the template file (.odt) you used to my colleague Rain’s mail box ( ) so that we can investigate the problem? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


The template has been sent.



Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for your file. I’ve forwarded the details to our engineers to investigate. If there is any news about this issue, I’ll come back to you at once.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hello Arnaud,

We have tested on your template and found that the header/footer disappear right after open it with Open Office and save as a new template. May I know what version of Open Office you used to create the template and how you create the header?

Best regards,


thanks for replying so quickly.

I use OpenOffice 3.0 (just release a few week ago) and i use a pregenerated odt document for Visual paradigm (from Basic Tempalte) that i have modified with OpenOffice 3.0.


Hello Arnaud,

Thanks for replying. We think the problem is caused by your template. We believe it will be solved after you fixing your template. BTW, since Report Writer is based on Open Office 2, I suggest you modify the template with Open Office 2 and it may help.

Best regards,


we will try it.

Is there is a way to apply the new template to existing document ?


Hi Arnaud,

Sorry for my late response. I’ll consult our engineers and will come back to you asap.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Arnaud,

Sorry for getting back late. You can open the Open Office 3 document by version 2. If there is any inquiry, please let me know.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong