Reverse Engineer VB 6.0 Code


I am trying to rewrite an application orignally written in VB 6.0 to C#. As part of this I am now trying to build UML model of the VB application. I would appreciate any help regarding this.

Best regards,
Dheeraj Reddy.

Dear Dheeraj,
Please following the prcedure in for reversing your existing VB.NET project to the UML Model.

Best Regards,

Dear Angus,
Thank you for your kind reply. Your answer helps me to convert a VB.NET project to UML Model.

However, I am trying to convert a VB 6.0 project to UML. If I need to do your way, I need to convert VB 6.0 project to VB.NET and then to UML. The conversion from VB 6.0 and VB.NET is not accurate.

I appreciate your reply.

Best regards,

Dear Dheeraj,

Yes you need to convert your project from VB 6.0 format to VB.NET format.

Best Regards,