Reverse engineering Java code to sequence diagrams


It seems to me that this has been asked many times before but those are dated back to 2004-2005. What is the current status of supporting reverse engineering Java code to sequence diagrams? Are there plans to implement this in near future in VP-UML?
This feature would be really helpful for rapidly (and preferably automatically with a continuous integration build system and Ant scripting) generate up-to-date reference documentation for (new) developers in a large project without the need to go through program source code line by line in order to see what is going on and where and how.

Best regards,
Teemu Hiltunen

Hello Teemu,

We are going to support reverse Java source code into sequence diagram in the coming VP Suite 5.0 (next month). This feature will be supported in the Professional Edition or above. Stay tune and more information will come very soon.

Best regards,