Suggested Workflow?

Dear VP:

I am new to using VM-UML and have read all three PDF documents available for download. However, none seem to mention the Textual Analysis diagram in any detail.

My question is this: What is the normal progression from one diagram to another?

For example, I have a problem statement. I type that problem statement into the Textual Analysis diagram. Then I create “Candidates” from the statement. I then assign roles/stereotypes to each of the Candidates. So what is next? Do I then go create a use case diagram? Or do I create a “Business Workflow” diagram?

Is there a suggested logical progression from Textual Analysis onward?

Is there a tutorial that demonstrates this scenario (from Textual Analysis to implementation)?

Thank you,

  • William Bloodworth


There are several ways to skin this cat :-). From an analysis point of view this is how you can go about it.

You created the candidates from your statement (I assume these are the actors) You do not have to assign stereo types to your actors. Actor name should describe the role of the actor eg. Accountant, Product manager etc. I use stereo types to differentiate between system and non system actors.

What you can do next is start with Use Case diagrams. These are the business requirements, keep in mind Use Cases are more about describing the requirements than about the pretty pictures. The use case diagbrams are to document the interaction between some outside actors and the system.

Than you can go to sequence and collaboration diagrams they show the internal workings of the scenario (basic paths or main success scenario).

All this stuff you document in a requirements document (business and functional)

Once they are done developers will do their thing in creating Class diagrams, state diagrams etc. This is one way of doing it.

Hope this helps you on your way, any hassles let me know. It might be good to have a browse through the UML section. There are some posts that might help you with getting started.



Thank you for the reply. Yes, that is the way we’ve been doing it for quite a while. I was wondering how the other diagrams (such as the Business Worflow, Interaction Overview, and Overview diagrams) fit into the picture. Maybe they apply to some other special type of development like the CRD Card Design and EJB diagrams?

  • William

No problem, good to hear let me try to explain the other diagrams and how I use them.

Interaction OVerview.
An interaction overview diagram describes how a number of interactions can be connected together to carry out a function. As its name suggest it describes an overview of the function. While a sequence, communication or timing diagram describe the details of an interaction, the interaction overview diagram describes how one or more interactions can be connected to carry out a higher order task.

Overview diagram, this is not a UML notation diagram it is something VP has and you do not find it in many other applications (if any at all). The way I use them is to create over view diagrams of all the USE CASE DIAGRAMS. Same as the Interaction over view diagram but you can drag and drop the USE CASE DIAGRAMS it really helps to explain the interrelationships within the model.

Business Workflow, again not really a UML notation but I guess it is included for analysts who do a lot of BPR (Business Process Re-Engineering) It allows to map the high level business processes. I use them to create a quick and easy overview of the business processes that are discussed in the document (Business Requirement spec).

Hope this helps.

Thanks for a great description of each of those. It really helped!

  • William