Syntax Relationship Includes XML

Which values can get the XML-Tag ‘direction’? We don’t want to give out Releationships from type ‘Include’ in all directions.

<ForEachSimpleRelationship type="Include" direction="all" ignoreParagraphBreakForLastModel="true">

Among the display of the ‘ToEnd’ Diagramname, is it also possible to give out the Diagramimage (Activity Diagram)? Can anyone write here the XML Syntax for this?

 <StringPropertyText propertyText="name" style="Table Contents"/>

For my first question, i found the answer in the forum. The possible values for ‘direction’: all/from/to

My second question means, it is possible to give out the image of a Activity Diagram even if it not declared as a Subdiagram in Agilian? ForEachSubDiagram don’t work.

Hello ckuettner,

The ForEachSubDiagram is only for retrieve the sub-diagrams. Can you show me an example on what you actually want to do?

Best regards,

 <StaticText content="Includes" style="Heading 2 (VP)"/>
<ForEachSimpleRelationship type="Include" direction="from" ignoreParagraphBreakForLastModel="true">

<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
 <StaticText content="Addition :" style="Row caption 1"/>
<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
 <StringPropertyText propertyText="name" style="Table Contents"/>

And then after each table with an Releationship i want print the Activity Diagram behind the Addition Use Case. This diagram is don’t declared as an Subdigram in Agilian. An Diagram example shown in Attachment. For NUC 1847 SUB02, NUC 1847 SUB03 … want to print the Activity Diagram in the Report. Is this meaningful or must these declared as an Subdiagram?

Include NUC.png


Hello Ckuettner,

For your case it should declared as sub-diagram. The sub-diagram provide a way to link up the model and diagram, with the “elaborate” meaning. As your activity diagram are elaborating the use case, they should be the sub-diagram of the use case.

Feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Best regards,

Hello Rain,

thanks for the information.