Uppercased variable names conflict with java convention(s)

Is there a way to have vp(ee) lowercase the first letter of the variables it gens?
Besides being against accepted java convention, it poses a problem for ejb cmp 2 where the ejb framework requires that the 1st letter of a fieldname be lowercase, with the accessors uppercasing it:
private String myString
This holds true for javabeans as well.

  1. The cmp rule for PK classes is to have the variables declared public. VP has them as private.

Please adivse.
Thank you.

Dear Nathan,

Thank you for your message. The current version already generates the fieldname and the get/set method as what you specified. For the visibility of the attribute at the PK class, the default visibility of the attribute will be private in VP. You can modify it to become public in the diagram. I’ve forward your suggestion to our engineers to investigate supporting different default visibility for PK class. Thanks for your suggestions.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

I just dl’d this yesterday. Hope it’s the current version…

Dear Nathan,

I’ve just test it again with the following attributes

   private String myString;
   private String mystring2;

and here are the generated methods:

   public abstract String getMyString() throws javax.ejb.EJBException;
   public abstract void setMyString(String myString)
      throws javax.ejb.EJBException;
   public abstract String getMystring2() throws javax.ejb.EJBException;
   public abstract void setMystring2(String mystring2)
      throws javax.ejb.EJBException;

Could you mind tell me more details about your problem? Or if possible, could you mind send me some samples which can reproduce the problem? Please send the samples to rain@visual-paradigm.com or through private message. Thanks in advance!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

I am talking about the attributes themselves. IF I manually enter the attributes, yes the setters/getters are ok.
But the wizard that creates ejb entity beans automatically from a database, creates these attributes (which correspond to the column/field names in the database) with the first letter uppercased.
By the way, same for parameters. Also against the convention.

Dear Nathan,

Thanks for you information, our engineers had identified the problem. I’ll send you a hot fix version once the problem was fixed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,