vPository and Referenced projects

I have migrated my projects to vPository and a few of them have a referenced project. In my referenced project, I keep a set of stereotypes that I reuse in my other projects. Moving it to vPository, it seems that this feature does not work consistently. When I manage the referenced projects, the list only allows me to add from the file system, not vPository. When I make a change in the reference project such as modifying a stereotype, it does not show in the other projects.

Any hint?

Hello pierrebo,

May I know have you also migrate those referenced projects into VPository? After you have migrate the referenced projects to VPository, you can then check out those project from VPository, and select them as reference projects. Those projects are under %vpworkspace%/teamwork_client/projects/%project_name%

Hope this can help!

Best regards,
Rain Wong

It was probably a misconception I had with stereotypes. I defined them in my reference project and tried to reuse them in my main project. It seems the correct place to define them is in the Workspace, and when they are used, they are automatically copied to the Project.

I was using the reference project so I can move it around with my colleagues. I figured that the best way was to export the workspace stereotypes and then reimport them on another computer. Doing so, are they updated on the project where they are used on the other computer?