Generate sequence diagram from Flow of Events


I’m looking for the mean to correctly generate sequence diagram from flow of events.

The sequence diagram generated is not complete, one actor is not shown, so some messages have not the good actor.

Thanks for your help

Thanks for your enquiry.

Sorry about that, this is a limitation on current version.
The sequence diagram generated from flow of event is a “System Sequence Diagram”, and we designed the System Sequence Diagram contains 1 User + 1 System only. (Sorry, this may not be a good design.)

Based on your request, we will enhance this feature, by specifying “Actor” at the beginning of the line.

We will post the news here when the enhancement is ready. Thanks.

Thank you for your response.

Perhaps you should add some informations in your user guide :slight_smile:


This feature is just released on Dec. You can update your VP to use it now.

Simple sample & explanation:

Thank you for the enhancement of this featue.

Could you also take to account self message perform by the system with same principle ?

If you put system from model element at the beginning of the line, it creates a self message like this :


Thanks for your response

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Thanks for creating this thread, the @peter.wong’s answer is good and clear things for me,
as @alexxx69 saied in last reply, i need to have some trick to auto generate “self message” in sequence diagram when generating it from flow of events.
My intension for this self message is to show some process that happened there without any request response to the other actor.

Thanks for your help

Thanks for your message. The purpose of flow of events is to model/document the interactions between actor and system in order to achieve user’s goal. All the detail operation on the system should be hide away from flow of events. With this as the basic assumption it seems no point to generate the self-message call on system side from the flow of event. Feel free to contact me for any questions and wish you have a good day!