Visual Paradigm 14.2 ChangeLogs

Build 20171001

General fixes and enhancements
Fixed a problem related to Documentation Cabinet
Fixed redundant new lines being generated in ORM code
Fixed an issue related to forming sub-process in BPMN
Fixed not opening TOGAF navigator after committing project
Fixed wrong resource icon shown for breakdown structure element
Fixed non desired behavior when changing an ArchiMate technology node’s presentation option
Fixed incorrect true/false status for popup menu ‘Show Direction’
Fixed a copy-and-paste problem associated with classes
Fixed ‘New Epic’ button wrongly appeared when story map is in 3-level layout
Fixed an application start up issue
Fixed deliverable pane in Just-in-Time Process Map wrongly collapsed upon project reopening
Fixed an issue that caused it unable to create user story
Fixed unable to open details window from cells in Zachman Framework
Fixed Data Object attribute for BPMN Activity does not get populated if used Data Association relationship
Fixed unable to show programmes’ names (in ArchiMate Roadmap) completely in printout in Linux
Fixed a SAML sign-on issue
Fixed a REST API documentation issue
Fixed a VP Server backup issue
Fixed ArchiMate model exchange file exported unable to get imported by Archi
Fixed an issue related to ETL Table
Fixed several undo/redo issues
Simplified the configuration panel of ETL Table
Amended several error messages to display in UeXceler
Changed to ask user to select either to create a story map with 3-level or 4-level layout
Supported notification of news
Supported REST Resource in Doc. Composer

Customer Journey Mapping
Fixed browser being closed when opening Customer Journey Map
Fixed multiple popup menu appeared in Customer Journey Map
Fixed image of Customer Journey Map wrongly rendered scrollbar
Fixed Customer Journey Map doesn’t wrap text

Online diagram tools
Fixed incorrect result for shape distribution in web diagram
Fixed blurry shapes in web diagram
Fixed unable to show caption inside ArchiMate Group’s tab
Fixed prolonged lifeline activation when dragging create message
Fixed unable to place Object Node in between two partitions
Fixed unable to position sequence message over right activation
Fixed mis-located attributes and operations when caused by ungroupping classes
Fixed unable to perform Select All in diagram caused by port shape

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Build 20171201

General fixes and enhancements
Fixed Matrix diagram failed to list ‘All’ as an item of the combo box for Relationship selection
Fixed create shape by mouse gesture wrongly shows Resource Catalog
Fixed non-removable REST class shapes
Fixed several undo/redo issues
Fixed several issues related to duplicate part with port
Fixed dotted line for generalization set moved by itself
Fixed unable to perform specific layout using Open API
Fixed poor aspect ratio for avatar images to use in various online tools
Fixed unable to create Provided interface from Component, when it’s put inside another Component
Fixed Excel importing mis-interprets tagged value’s type
Fixed unable to set shape’s alignment
Fixed diamond connector end painted badly
Fixed XML importing failed to handle Timing Unit’s position
Fixed unable to move up and down in Logical View through keyboard shortcuts
Fixed unable to visualize hidden relationships
Fixed an issue related to Diagram Layer window
Re-arranged those menus related to diagram transformation through baggage
Supported ‘Quick Add’ element name/phrase as glossary term

Online Drawing Tools
Fixed multiple tabs being opened when attempting to edit strategic analysis diagrams from Visual Paradigm Circle
Fixed unable to enter a sub-point in InfoArt shape using keyboard
Fixed unable to browse ‘more shapes’ in online diagram tool
Fixed online UML diagram tool does not support connecting association with NARY
Fixed not supporting Escalating Intermediate Event in web BPMN tool
Fixed online BPMN tool does not allow creating start event in another pool
Reduces the space before indented items in InfoArt shapes
Allowed cancelling project creation when start using the web diagram tool the first time
Supported direct adjustment of font size for content in InfoArt shape (Strategic Analysis web diagrams)
Supported editing default created labels in InfoArt shapes

Customer Journey Maps
Fixed not showing names of Customer Journey Maps in web editor
Fixed customer journey map badly scaled in Export Image window
Supported changing colors for stage headers in a Customer Journey Map

DB/Code Engineering
Fixed criteria not generated for Hibernate Oracle byte columns
Fixed an Instant Reverse issue on Mac
Fixed two issues related to the generation and reversal of DDL

User Stories
Fixed user story log wrongly says that stories created under user tasks were created under Epics
Fixed broken user stories table in task pool settings screen
Fixed bold text becomes plain text when pressing Enter on a conversation note in user story
Fixed duplicate confirmation item steps
Fixed story created in 3-layer story map being sorted to top unnecessarily

ETL Table
Fixed incorrect item order in ETL Table
Fixed no way to show breakdown structure element’s code in ETL Table
Extended the width of condition box in ETL Table configuration screen
Improved the usability of the Conditions window of ETL Table configuration screen

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Build 20180101

General fixes and enhancements
Fixed Matrix diagram failed to list ‘All’ as an item of the combo box for Relationship selection
Fixed create shape by mouse gesture wrongly shows Resource Catalog
Fixed non-removable REST class shapes
Fixed multiple tabs being opened when attempting to edit strategic analysis diagrams from Visual Paradigm Circle
Fixed several undo/redo issues
Fixed not showing names of Customer Journey Maps in web editor
Fixed several issues related to duplicate part with port
Fixed dotted line for generalization set moved by itself
Fixed unable to perform specific layout using Open API
Fixed broken user stories table in task pool settings screen
Fixed unable to create Provided interface from Component, when it’s put inside another Component
Fixed Excel importing mis-interprets tagged value’s type
Fixed diamond connector end painted badly
Fixed customer journey map badly scaled in Export Image window
Fixed XML importing failed to handle Timing Unit’s position
Fixed unable to move up and down in Logical View through keyboard shortcuts
Fixed unable to visualize hidden relationships
Fixed an issue related to Diagram Layer window
Re-arranged those menus related to diagram transformation through baggage
Supported changing colors for stage headers in a Customer Journey Map
Supported ‘Quick Add’ element name/phrase as glossary term

Code engineering
Fixed criteria not generated for Hibernate Oracle byte columns
Fixed two issues related to the generation and reversal of DDL
Fixed an Instant Reverse issue on Mac

User story mapping
Fixed user story log wrongly says that stories created under user tasks were created under Epics
Fixed bold text becomes plain text when pressing Enter on a conversation note in user story
Fixed duplicate confirmation item steps
Fixed story created in 3-layer story map being sorted to top unnecessarily

Online drawing tools
Fixed unable to enter a sub-point in InfoArt shape using keyboard
Fixed online UML diagram tool does not support connecting association with NARY
Fixed unable to browse ‘more shapes’ in online diagram tool
Fixed poor aspect ratio for avatar images to use in various online tools
Fixed online BPMN tool does not allow creating start event in another pool
Fixed not supporting Escalating Intermediate Event in web BPMN tool
Fixed unable to set shape’s alignment
Reduces the space before indented items in InfoArt shapes
Allowed cancelling project creation when start using the web diagram tool the first time
Supported direct adjustment of font size for content in InfoArt shape (Strategic Analysis web diagrams)
Supported editing default created labels in InfoArt shapes

ETL Table
Fixed no way to show breakdown structure element’s code in ETL Table
Fixed incorrect item order in ETL Table
Extended the width of condition box in ETL Table configuration screen
Improved the usability of the Conditions window of ETL Table configuration screen

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Build 20180201

Fixed a project commit issue caused by project reference
Fixed a typo in message dialog box
Fixed a performance issue in publishing project
Fixed a code update issue in Visual Studio integration
Fixed a C++ code reversal issue caused by the use of 'using’
Fixed corrupted HTML content in Project Publisher outcome
Fixed non-translated content in specification window
Provided methods for setting tagged values type in Open API

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Build 20180224

Fixed a project commit issue
Fixed bottom half of BDD property shape clipped
Fixed Customer Journey Map content not fit to page setting in Print window
Fixed data type for custom language not showing in specification window for selection
Fixed stereotypes in new attributes and operations do not get saved
Fixed changing shape type wrongly changes the size of shape
Fixed a branch merging issue
Fixed tooltips not being translated
Fixed duplicate relationship in document (Doc. Composer)
Fixed several issues associated with XSD Instant Reverse
Supported more max memory options

Build 20180302

Changed the alignment of extension point in use case shape
Fixed unable to create connector via gesture
Improved the appearance of ArchiMate event upon resizing
Fixed an ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format export issue

Build 20180501

Fixed a SAML connection issue
Fixed a Project Publisher error

Build 20180601
Fixed an issue in exporting wireframes to project

Build 20180701

Fixed a BPMN diagram issue
Fixed incorrect wireframe shape’s position

Build 20180801

General fixes and enhancements

Build 20180901

Fixed an XMI import issue