Access to document and shape fields in diagrams

I am using the diagram info shape on my use case diagrams and i see that it uses the ${name} and the ${documentation} fields to display the information. How do I add other fields information (comments for example) and is there a list of the fields available?

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your enquiry. Currently we only support name and documentation as variables in Document Info Shape. We thought this two pieces of information are more meaningful to be presented on the diagram. It seems that you would like to put comments to the diagram. Could you let me know how it is benefitial to you? Do you only want it appear in the reports, or on the diagram?

Best regards,


I see a number of uses for the extra information:

I use the comments field to a) record changes to the diagram and to display this would provide useful “history” on the diagram (helps the client see we have taken their comments into account) and b) to record the status of the diagram (status == draft, status == done etc.).

Diagram heirarchy:
To be able to show the trail “Assign Contractor -> Select contractor” that is shown in the sub window title bar would be a quick visual clue to how the diagrams hang together.

To see these on the diagrams and hence in the reports would be very useful.

I hope this helps

Hi Brian,

I will pass your request on to our development team for further feasibility studies. Thanks a lot for your post!

Best regards,


are there some news about this topic? I’m also very much interested to show diagram meta-data on the diagram. Meta data could be the SVN revision (Diagram as of revision 1234) or the last modified date.

This meta data should be the typical meta data you have inside documents (like OpenOffice writer documents) plus some meta data which typically comes from repositories (SVN).

Hi Planetenxin,

Thanks for your post. We are sorry that we do not support showing diagram meta-data on the diagram. The reason is that currently our commit is project-based, so the commit log is for entire project (unless you only commit changes of one diagram at a time).
Also, we do not record the last modified date of particular diagram or model.

However, we will consider to support this in the future. If there is any news about this issue, I’ll notify you immediately.

If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi LilianWong,

since version 6.4 of Visual Paradigm it is possible to use “element based revision history”. This is really good news!

Is it now possible to get access to this element based meta-data through the “Diagram Info” shape using a variable (e.g. ${diagram_revision}).


Hi Planetenxin,

Thanks for replying. I’m sorry that it’s not possible to access to the element based meta-data through Diagram Info. How you can define access to which element with the Diagram Info?

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi LilianWong,

as far as i understood in the release notes for 6.4, it is possible
a) to see, at which revision the diagram has changed as well as
b) to see, at which revision a certain element has changed.

Might be, that i’m wrong with a).

If a) would be possible, VP_UML should provide the user the ability to use a variable within Diagram Info to access the revision of the diagram (e.g. ${diagram_revision}).

If a) is not possible, i would really appreciate if you could add this as a feature request. This feature would help us to fulfill the requirements of our quality management system (Req.: […] to ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified).


Hi Planetenxin,

Thanks for replying. Since the revision is not locally stored, it will need to acquire the revision number from the server of SVN/CVS/Perforce/Teamwork Server. As a result in performance, it will become slow.

But we will study the possibility of showing revision of diagram via Diagram Info. If there is any news about this issue, I’ll come back to you immediately.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong