Auto generation of java code form orm classes

Hi all!
I’m trying to generate java code for hibernate form class diagram.
I have to generate code that contain next options:



The tool instead generate the classes with next options:



I try to change some option in generation windows, but i can’t obtain the right java classes.

Is possible to configure the tool to generate the classes like i need?

if yes, can someone tell me wich generation option i have to change?

Thank you!

Hi Twistbuster,

Thanks for your post. I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up. If there is any feedback, I’ll notify you at once.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Twistbuster,

Thanks for your post. By default, Fetch is EAGER. If you set lazy to False (see image) it will not generate lazy and using default, which is eager.

Hope this helps. If there is any further inquiry, please let me know.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong
