Automatic HTML publishing


is there a simple way to automatise the publishing of a project to HTML for night job ? like a command line from the shell.



Hi Arnaud,

Sorry for my late response. You can execute the command of Project Publisher for night job, details can be found at

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any further inquiry.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Thanx a lot !

It works perfect !


Is it possible to link this with the TeamWork Server ?

Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for replying. May I know what do you mean by “link this with the TeamWork Server”? Could you please tell me what exactly you want to do? Thanks!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Today i use the local project to generate the HTML published.

We plan to buy the TeamWork server and have it to generate the HTML publishin for our project and publish it to an intern web site automatically.

Is this can be done ?


Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for replying. You will need to checkout the project file from the Teamwork Server first, then you can run command of Project Publisher for publishing. Does this answer your question?

BTW, there are scripts for Teamwork Server for start the server, shutdown the server and start the TeamworkServerAdmin. The scripts are inside TeamworkServer/scripts folder.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hello, I’m looking for some info about auto publishing or any different mechnisim, wich will let us synchronize VP project with publish conent?
Link to command line article doesn’t work.
@Rain @Jick ?

Please reference to the page below about the comment line interface.

For you case you can create your own script by calling different command line interface. i.e. first call the update teamwork project script to update your project, then call the publisher script to perform publishing.

The article Using Project Publisher with command - Visual Paradigm says nothing about publishing to the serwer, what is available from 7.1 version: What's New in Visual Paradigm?

Sorry that the user’s guide was slightly out-dated. We just updated it and now include parameters about publish project to server. BTW, you can also run the command without specify any parameters. In this case the command will show you what are the parameter available for user.

Continuing with the topic, what does the role of viewers mean? Is this a watcher?
three levels of access rights: “Project Members Only,” “All Members + Viewers,” or “Everyone.”

The “Watcher” is the member in the server who registered to listen to the change of a project (receive email notification on project change). This is not related to the three level of access right for the published content. Regarding tho the three level:

Everyone: Anyone who got the URL can see the published content. No login required.

All Members + Viewers: All members and all PostMania users in the repository can see the published content, even they are not assigned to the project of the published content. Login required.

Project Members Only: Published content only available to members in repository who being assigned to the project which publish content. Login required.

Of course if you are using on-premises Teamwork Server then user do require establish connection to your server as the prerequisite. Feel free to contact me for any questions.

The command line interface scripts, espexcially ProjectPublisher (5. Command-line Interface - Visual Paradigm Community Circle) seems to be “client-side” scripts.
How to use them on the “server-side” on unix ?

When we tried there was problem with license configuration file

getVerifiedLicenseKey: null; state=Installed
License not found

After preparing such file in “/home/vp/.config/VisualParadigm/floatinglicense.config” (where vp is the name of unix user) the script moved on but we still receive:

Unable to acquire floating license from license server

Generally, the question is: “How to create a mechanism that, when run cyclically on the server, e.g. from crone, will publish HTML documentation to the server?”