BP-VA uses the language file inconsistently

Hi Lilian,

I would like to point out an obvious drawback in the application of the language files (.lng).

Quite a few of the strings are not translatable – I can add missing entries into the language file, but BP-VA ignores many of them. This is the most annoying misfeature.

The second one is the incompleteness of the language files. It would get by (with manual adding), but when I look at the screen and see the untranslated entry e.g. “blabla:”, I have to try out not only this string, but also "blabla: " (with the space after colon), because I don’t know in advance which of these two variants is correct. That’s rather tedious.


Hello Nad,

Thank you for your message. We are constantly update the application and language file to increase the coverage of the translation. BTW, would you mind tell me what language you are translating to?

Best regards,
Rain Wong

Hi Rain,

That’s Russian.

I’d like to remark that my ad-hoc translation is by no means representative – it’s intended exclusively for enticing our would-be analysts (and bosses, of course ;-))