I was wondering about the possibility to include my own work items in your Scrum Process Canvas. Example case: Our scrum team use to conduct a kick-off meeting before the commencement of a project. I know it’s not what a traditional scrum process would have but that’s the way we work and I would like to include this as a work item in the canvas, recording the agenda and other meeting information. Is there a way to achieve this? Please help me out.
Thank you for asking. We know that one size doesn’t fit all. Since every scrum project is different, we allow users to customize the Scrum Process Canvas to suit their needs. Below are what users can do for to customize the Scrum Process Canvas:
Define your own work items
Include your work items into canvas
Re-position work items in canvas (both the work items you made and the built-in work items)
Revise the steps of built-in work items
Add and remove steps in a work item
Modify the instruction and example of each step
Show/hide artifact shortcut
Change the icon of a work item
Create and customize process report
To define your work items is simple. Here are the steps:
Open the Work Item Composer by selecting ITSM > Work Item Composer from the toolbar.
Create your work item(s) in the Work Item Composer.
When finished, you have to go through the ‘publish’ process to make your work item available to use in the canvas. To publish, click on the Publish button at top right.
Click on Exit to go back to the original project.
To include your work item(s) in Scrum Process Canvas.
Click on Unlock to Make Changes at top right of the canvas.
You can now make changes to the canvas. The work item palette is presented on the left. You can see the work items you published in the palette. Simply drag and drop it onto the canvas to include it.
Click Lock Changes on top right to confirm the changes and go back to ‘operation mode’.