Can not add new operations, or edit existing ones successfully

After some editing, our UML diagram seems to have become corrupt. I can not add new operations to a class successfully, or edit existing operations successfully. The following video shows the problem:

As you can see, when trying to add a new operation, the operation disappears when “Enter” is pressed, and instead two default-named operations appear. It is also shown how editing an existing operation does not work.

The model can be downloaded from

It was created with Visual Paradigm Community v16.3 (Build 20220215).

Hi emmenlau,

Thank you for your inquiry.

You are unable to create getImage(…) because it’s having the same method signature with the existing getImage() operation. However, I can identify two issues from your video:

  1. getImage(aImageID) and getImage(aUserAnnotationSpec) are having the same signature, which is not allowed. We will check why it happens
  2. Unable to edit the parameter name aUserAnnotationSpec

When there is any news about the fixes, I will let you know.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung