Cannot open my UML project anymore

I have a project that is still visible on my Google Drive. But when I try opening it I get redirected to the home page of visual paradigm. And when I log in to my user account no project exists. I am also unable to open from Google Drive or Device through the interface. Again I am being redirected to the homepage…

It may has something to do that I (when visited the website first today) I did not log in but signed up with the same Google account. I realized it when it was done, but there was also no warning that the user already exists or such…

I just checked one more time: Basically I cannot open any new project. I am always redirected to the homepage

Hi Joseph,

It seems that you failed to login Visual Paradigm Online.
Could you please try these steps?

  1. Login from Log in Visual Paradigm Online
  2. You’ll redirected to url like
  3. Click Diagram, you’ll be redirected to url like Log in Visual Paradigm Online, you should see your avatar on top-right corner.
  4. Click Open > from Google Drive, you’ll see an interface like that: