Class Diagrams, thier Relationships to Each Other and

I am learning VP through the Community Edition. I have created numerous class diagrams and have started to learn about package relationships.
I have found a bug(???) that disassociates the contained packages/classes when I change the root package of the diagram. If I change the root package of the class diagram the contained classes lose this relationship and it seems the only way to fix the relationship is to create a whole new diagram with the desired root package.
So, for example: I have a class diagram with root package “ttt::com::some::thing"
and a contained package of “anew::pack”, which, when I open the specification for the package the parent should read “tt::com::some::thing” and the root of the package should be “anew::pack” and lets say the package contains a class “AClass”, which would have a complete package path of “tt::com::some::thing::anew::pack::AClass”. This is the case. BUT, let’s say I need to change the diagram’s root package from “tt::com::some::thing” to
"com::some::thing”. When I do this the package “anew::pack”" gets disassociated and there is no way to associate it to the new package structure of the diagram. This also prevents proper linking from other diagram within the project. THIS IS AN ANNOYANCE and a waste of my time. Is this the correct and proper operation of this tool? Could you please explain this?
I am evaluating this project for my company for a few seats.
Please respond. I really like this product.
Thank you in advance.

Hello user,

Sorry, but I am unable to recreate this problem. May I arrange an online meeting with you that let our team see your screen and identify what the problem is? If you can have the meeting, please send me an email and let me know when you will be available. My email address is:

Best regards,