Could not find the main class. Program will exit


this message appears everytime I want to start the SDE-VS from Visual Studio. Then VS craches. What to do?!?

Hi Thomas,

Sorry for the problem.

Could you please tell me what is the language of your VS.NET? Secondly, could you please send me the log file for checking? You can find the vp.log file inside the visualstudio folder of VP Suite installation directory.

Looking forward to heaing from you.

Best Regards,

I use C#. The log file is attached!

I use C#. The log file is attached!

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the information. I will notify our engineers about this problem.

By the way, if you are using the version 3.1 of SDE, I suggest you try version 3.2. We have made several bug fixes on SDE-VS. The problem you encountered may be fixed already.

Finally, may I know which version of VS.NET have you installed? 2003 or 2005?

Best Regards,

I use VS.Net 2003.

I tried out the v2.2! Its the same error message. I also reinstalled the tool, but nothing changed.

Hi Thomas,

Please check the registry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Visual Paradigm\SDE VS", make sure the Path value is pointing to %VP-Suite_Installation_dir%/visualstudio, and $path\lib\vpplatform.jar does exists.

I captured a screenshot to show you my config.

One more question, have you installed SDE-VS from the former version of VP Suite before?

Best Regards,


OK, thanks!! Problem solved! The registry has wrong values!

Hi Thomas,

Glad to know that the problem is solved. Could you please tell me what is the value before changed? Thank you.

Best Regards,

There was a wrong directory. But I didn’t exactly remember.

Hi Thomas,

Thank you. You have already helped us a lot. :slight_smile:

Best Regards,