Creating a custom stereotype with the Enumeration Literal capability

I read about the enumeration class type with the enumeration literal and would like to recreate that same behavior for my stereotype that is not an enumeration so it will have a different stereotype (such as <>).

Is there a way for me to create my own stereotype with something very similar to the “enumeration literal” available on an “enumeration” class type?

My fallback is to have two stereotypes, <> and <> but it isn’t my preferred approach.

Thank you for your inquiry. I’m sorry that the enumeration literal is built-in to the software specific for classes with enumeration stereotype. Would you please tell me more details about your use case so that I can discuss with our engineers and see how we can help?

I want the same behavior as the “enumeration” stereotype and enumeration literals. However, for project reasons, our stereotype is not called “enumeration” since the implementation is a “lookup” (or LOV). My workaround, for now, is to add both the stereotype and our custom “lookup” stereotype, but it is less than ideal and confusing to some people.