Customizing Report Writer


I’m a novice in Report Writer templates then I’m sorry for my stupid questions. :oops:

I have a simple BPDiagram with some Sub-Process elements.

I try to enumerate child elements of BPDiagram throuh , but I need to process only for Sub-Processes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="CP1251"?>
	<TemplateInformationHeader id="BPDocumentTest" name="Just a Test" description="" type="text" default="false"/>

	<!-- Basing on a diagram -->
		<!-- -->
		<!-- Let's enumerate elements, but only Sub-Process -->
		<!-- -->
		<StaticText content="ELEMENTS: "/>
		<IterationBlock modelType = "Sub-Process">
			<StaticText content="element ("/>
			<StringPropertyText property="modelType" />
			<StaticText content="): "/>
			<StringPropertyText property="name" />


In report I see just:

If I set empty value for modelType, then I see better result, but it contains a Text Annotation element:
element (Sub-Process): Process One
element (Sub-Process): Process Two
element (Text Annotation): Annotation9
element (Sub-Process): Process Three

My questions:
Q1. What I do wrong while trying to get Sub-Process elements only?
Q2. Where can I get info about modelType names, allowed in IterationBlock?
Q3. Why does not exist a separate forum for customizing Report Writer templates? I see many topics in Agilian forum about templates, but it is inconvenient to catch them from common Agilian forum.
Q4. I have a problem while trying to register in forum. All my tries end with message ‘An error has occurred. For detailed error information, please see the HTML source code, and contact the forum Administrator. java.lang.NullPointerException’. How can I register in forum (IE8.0.7601@MSWindows7)?

Thank you!

With best reguards,
Vladimir Andreyev.

Dear Vladimir,

Q1. What I do wrong while trying to get Sub-Process elements only?

Ans: Please use: modelType=“BPSubProcess”

Q2. Where can I get info about modelType names, allowed in IterationBlock?

Ans: You can get the XML from your model to read the modelType names. There are two ways for getting XML:

=== A ===

  1. Select File > Export > XML from the main menu
  2. Select the diagrams/model elements.
  3. Fill in the output destination and click Export

=== B ===

  1. Right click on the shape you want to know its model type name
  2. Select “Copy > Copy as XML” from the popup menu.
  3. Paste the copied content to a text editor

Q3. Why does not exist a separate forum for customizing Report Writer templates? I see many topics in Agilian forum about templates, but it is inconvenient to catch them from common Agilian forum.

Ans: Thanks for your suggestion. We have created a new forum for report editing/generation.

Q4. I have a problem while trying to register in forum. All my tries end with message ‘An error has occurred. For detailed error information, please see the HTML source code, and contact the forum Administrator. java.lang.NullPointerException’. How can I register in forum (IE8.0.7601@MSWindows7)?

Ans: Please try again. We have made some changes which may solve the problem.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung