Destroy message in Sequence Diagram

Hello All,

Someone knows how can I put a “X” in the Life Line of a object in a Sequence Diagram when I call a destroy message to this object ? I have studied several examples that when a object is destroyed his life line is stopped by a “X”.

You may right-click on the object and select “Show Destruction” from the popup menu, or select “Show destruction” in the property table.



Thank you very much.

I also have this porblem.

But the option “Show destruction” is not to be found in the popup menu in version 5.0. Is it moved somewhere else? Where then?

Regards Daniel

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your message. Please right click the lifeline and select Stopped for showing the X in the end of the lifeline. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

What about version 13? i didn’t found the X

Hi user,

Please right click on the lifeline and select Model Element Properties > Stopped from the popup menu.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung