ERD connectors

Hello - Looking at the 5.2 Enterprise edtion VP-UML tool. When I create a ERD there is no way to pin the connectors to the entity side that I would like. They are always on the either side (top or bottom is not an option) and I can’t control which is higher than another. As a result the diagrams are very messy and hard to read. If I create 2 entities without fields I can pin the connector where ever desired but once I add columns I can no longer do this. Is there an option that I a missing somewhere to allow me to control this?


Hi nw60312,

Yes, you could turn this behavior off by right-clicking on the diagram and select Presentation Options | Point Foreign Key End to Associated Column from the popup menu.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

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I tried that and it doesn’t have any effect, restarted application as well. Are there any known bugs with that?


Sorry nw60312,

Would you mind sending me the project file and the log file (%VP-Suite_HOME%/bin/vp.log) for testing? You can reach me personally at:

Best Regards,

Sure, I will send it from work when I am back in the office on Thursday.


[quote=nw60312]Hello - Looking at the 5.2 Enterprise edtion VP-UML tool. When I create a ERD there is no way to pin the connectors to the entity side that I would like. They are always on the either side (top or bottom is not an option) and I can’t control which is higher than another. As a result the diagrams are very messy and hard to read. If I create 2 entities without fields I can pin the connector where ever desired but once I add columns I can no longer do this. Is there an option that I a missing somewhere to allow me to control this?


Hi Amoeba112,

I answered this question above. Do you have any comments about my answeR?

Best regards,

Thank you for this, you really made my day!