ERD Diagram insert initialization data

What’s the best practice when creating the ERD model in terms of initializing the dictionary tables. Should it be a part of the model or not? If yes where I can place code which will insert dictionary values to specific table on database creation?

Hi Jerzy,

Thank you for your inquiry. A typical usage is that when you create a database in a development or testing environment, you may want to have some default data in the database. By entering sample data into your design, you can optionally generate the script for data insertion during a DDL generation.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Where should i put the insert SQL statements? Is it possible on entity level ?

Hi Jerzy,

Thank you for your reply. You do not need to type any SQL statement. By creating the same data in the editor, we will generate the Insert script for you:

Please make sure you have selected “Yes” for Generate Sample Data, in the Database Generation window:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Hi Jick! This is very helpful feature, but I would like to insert some initialization data to the database, these are for some predefined types. The most convenient way would be to do this on entity level. Is is the ‘DDL clause’ secion or there are some other places?

Hi Jerzy,

Thank you for your reply. I suggest you add the initiation scripts as “Custom DDL” to be included in the DDL scripts to generate as a whole. The Custom DDL can be input by clicking Custom DDL in the Database Generation window, as shown below:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung