I am experimenting with exporting and importing requirements to/from Excel. What I have done is roughly:
Create a new project, a new model and a requirements diagram
I go to Window → Configuration → “Configure Requirement Types…”
I add a new requirement type, called e.g. “Requirement2”
I add the properties ID, Description, and a custom Text field to Requirement2
In the requirements diagram, I create an ordinary requirement, and set some value on all properties
I also create a “requirement2” and set some value on all properties
I add a “Containment” link between the requirements
I export the diagram to excel
When I open the excel file, there are columns for the requirements for all properties of both requirement types. The first columns are: Type, Name, "Transit From", "Transit To", "<<Requirement>>\nText", "Parent User ID", "<<Requirement>>\nID"
However, the values for the Requirement2 properties are miss-aligned, like this:
The first two rows are of type “Requirement” and the last two rows are of type “Requirement2”. Notice how the “Text 3” and “Text 4” are at the wrong column.
It appears as if the problem is that it expected that there would be a “Parent User ID” column between the Text and ID columns. I guess the ID_2 with gray background should have been at the Parent User ID column near the start of the row.
When I import this file back to VP, it will think that the Text property of all Requirement2 objects have changed.
I use VP Version 16.3 (Build 20210701) on 64bit Linux.
Sorry about the problem. Unfortunately, we tried to follow your steps and with different export settings but still, we are unable to reproduce your problem. Would you mind giving us your project file for checking? You can upload your project to the following place:
Thank you for your flie. With your file, I can repeat the problem and have reported that to our team for a fix. Once a fix is available, I will let you know.
The problem reported under this post has also been fixed. You can try again with the latest build, and the update instruction is provided under another post you submitted earlier.