Export/Synchronize diagrams to Atlassian Confluence


Atlassian Confluence is one of the most used tool where architects and developers share documentation.
Adding the ability to export/synnchronize a diagram to Confluence could be a very powerful option and time efficient feature (today, I’m exporting my diagrams to png/svg and importing them to Confluence).

Thank you.


Hi Stephane,

Thank you for your post. Your suggestion has been sent to our team for review. When there is any update, I will let you know.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

So , is there any update ? :slight_smile:

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Any news on progress?

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any update on this - in large organisations there are no web servers available to publish to (restricted) and outside access to VP online is restricted. This is essential functionality that is missing - if designers cannot share their work then there is no point in using VPUML as we will just have to use confluence Wikis using Gliffy plugins.

In latest version (17.1) we support publish project using Project Publisher to your repository (VP Online or Teamwork Server). You can even set access permission to your published content. Hope this can help.


For us this functionality would elevate Visual Paradigm use. The team has just migrated into Confluence and I’m, since recently, the very first Visual Paradigm user. I talked with some of my team mates about what it would take for them to start using it actively for database documentation. Alas, a single central documentation source is wished for. Having a possibility to view the current state of the, say, database structure in the Confluence via a Confluence app (perhaps doing nothing more than opening the Visual Paradigm application on a specific file) would be a game changer for our adoption of Visual Paradigm into wider use.