Failed installing 'VPServer' service

I have this message when executing install_service.bat, to install as a service. What can I do about it?

D:\VPServer\scripts>echo off
Installing the service ‘VPServer’ …
Using CATALINA_HOME: D:\VPServer\webserver
Using CATALINA_BASE: D:\VPServer\webserver
Using JRE_HOME (default): D:\VPServer\webserver\bin…\jre
Using JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.7.0_11
Using JVM: D:\VPServer\webserver\bin…\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Failed installing ‘VPServer’ service
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May I know you are running a 32 bit or 64 bit VP Server? and you are using a 32 bit or 64 bit JDK?

Best regards,
Rain Wong

Sorry I should have provided this important information

It is a win 2008 R2 SP1 64bit server and I use the 64bit jdk.
I’m able to start the server and use a client with a floating licence.
Now I would like to configure a service on the server so I don’t have to manually start it.

I didn’t see anything in the event log of the system. I don’t know where to start to investigate.
Any idea would be appreciate


Hello Steve,

One more question, may I know you are using a 32 bit deployment of the VP Server? or the 64 bit deployment? You can find this information from the file name of the VP Server you downloaded.

Best regards,
Rain Wong



Hello Steve,

Can you try right click on the command prompt shortcut and select Run as administrator, then change directory to scripts folder of VP Server to execute the install_service.bat to see is it works?

Best regards,
Rain Wong

That did it!
thanks for your help,