Help! I Can't Add a Class to a package already existing on the diagram

I Instant Reversed a class to a diagram.

Later, I instant reversed another class in the same package. I tried to Instant reverse to the same diagram, but it added the new class (packages and all) to the diagram. The result was two separate notations of the same package; each containing different classes. I expected the class to be added to the existing package notation.

So, I instant reversed the class to the repository. Then, when I dropped the class on the document the results were the same. How can I get two classes from the same package to be diagrammed in the same package?

Hi KevinM,

How do you reverse a single class to a diagram? Currently, we support a jar file, a class folder, a zip of source files and a source folder, but not a single class file. If you could provide us with simple code sample and the steps for us to reproduce your problem, we would be grateful. Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


To be perfectly clear… I am reversing a class, not a class file. That is, I am reversing Java source files to a class diagram. I realize my initial explanation was vague in that regards.

I have an applet:
In the Class Repository, I right click on this.
I click on Reverse “” / New Class Diagram
The class is displayed on a new diagram named: com.viw.applet


I have two classes in the package com.viw.client:

Again, in the Class Repository, I right click on
Then, click on Reverse “” / “com.viw.applets”[Active Diagram]
The class is displayed on the same diagram as MyApplet and is contained in the package client, which is contained in the package viw, which is contained in the package com.

Now, in the Class Repository I right click on
Then, click on Reverse “” / “com.viw.applets”[Active Diagram]
The class is displayed on the same diagram as MyApplet and is contained in the package client.

Since ClientImage and Workspace are from the same package and located in the same directory on the disk, why are they not both placed within the same client package? There are two separate client packages on the diagram. Also, why is one contained within three packages (com.viw.client) and the other contained in just the client package?

I think the answer to the second question would resolve the first question. However, I don’t understand the inconsistency.

hi KevinM,

Thank you for your explanation. I’ll discuss with our engineers and get back to you.

Best regards,

Dear KevinM,

I would like to let you know the generate different diagram after reverse engineering problem has been fixed and deployed. Please download the patch build at the following link to apply for the fix. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

Best regards,