Help in drawing uml diagrams

this is the case:

In a polyclinic, the receptionist handles the appointment and payments for many doctors.

A patient usually calls regarding an appointment, in order to:
- schedule an apt. with a specific doctor
- Postpone an apt.
- Cancel an apt.
- inquire about the date time of his/her apt.

A patient would have to pay to cashier after attending the appointment.

  1. Draw use case diagram for the system

  2. Draw class diagram

  3. Draw a state chart diagram (state machine) for the appointment taking all possible states in account. For example, if an appointment is missed we should track it as such.

  4. Draw a sequence diagram to illustrate the use case of a patient whose time does not fit any availability time for a specific doctor trying to negotiate with the doctor via the receptionist (who can talk to patient over the phone and personally to doctor) an appointment (from outside the normal availability of the doctor).

  5. Draw an activity diagram for the use case in 4.

i tried doing them and the diagrams i did are attached…plz check them for me… and i also couldnt draw the class diagram…i know i should make a class for receptionist, another for doctor, and also for appointments and patent… but i cant relate them to each other…
i would really appreciate the help…thnx


sorry, but i couldn’t find your attached files.

The most important thing at the beginning ist to realize use cases, what the system should really do.

In your case: your system is required to manage all functionalities to mange an appointment.

I don’t know waht you mean with your class “doctor”, what should this class do?
I think you didn’t send the whole description of your example!