How can I instant reverse three C++ classes with same name that are in different namespaces?

I used instant reverse to reverse engineer all of the C++ classes in my project. There are three classes with the same name, however, and only one of them was pulled into Visual Paradigm. One of the classes does not have a namespace, and the other two have separate namespaces. Only the class with no namespace was pulled into the Visual Paradigm project. Since those three classes are allowed to exist under C++ rules, VP should be able to deal with them, but I am not sure how to get it to work.

Does anybody know how to get this to work?



I tested instant reverse with the following code but cannot produce the problem:

class C
private: int a;

namespace n1 {
class C
private: int b;

namespace n2 {
class C
private: int c;


Could you please provide some sample code?

Hello, thank you for looking into this for me. Here are the three classes I am having issues with. Only the first one comes into my model.

class PlayLogic {


namespace np {
namespace spotify {

class PlayLogic: public PlayLogicBase


} // namespace spotify
} // namespace np

namespace np {
namespace lineIn {

class PlayLogic : public PlayLogicBase


}} //namespace np::lineIn


I tested with the following code:

class PlayLogicBase {
	int d;

class PlayLogic {
	int a;

namespace np {
namespace spotify {

class PlayLogic: public PlayLogicBase
	int b;

} // namespace spotify
} // namespace np

namespace np {
namespace lineIn {

class PlayLogic : public PlayLogicBase
	int c;

}} //namespace np::lineIn


I found it within its package. I was looking somewhere else. Thank you!